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Parish Philosophy Statement

We are the parish family of Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish. Our lord, God and savior, Jesus Christ, is central to our community. We come together to worship him and, in Jesus' name, we share our lives with one another. We come to learn about and share our faith with those who will accept our Lord's call to discipleship. Our objective is to give witness to and share the Gospel message about Jesus Christ and his resurrection from the dead for our salvation.

Parish Mission Statement

St. Nicholas Parish embraces all of those in Lorain County who want to practice the Christian faith in the Byzantine Catholic tradition within that Church's theology, spirituality, liturgy and communal dimension.
The parish establishes these priorities in its life:
1.) Sacramental practice
2.) Discipleship
3.) Vibrant parish life
4.) Vocations
In carrying out its mission, the parish must exercise responsible stewardship of its temporal goods. This includes the free-will offerings of the members and the various fund-raising activities. In all things, the parish is legally accountable to the eparchial bishop. In a less formal way it is accountable to the community at large.


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